Friday, June 5, 2015

Amazing: Indonesia has a long chrowing Chicken without pause, until 23 seconds

Pelung chicken is a native chicken from Cianjur, a type of chicken native to Indonesia with three genetic trait. The first is voice crowed long until 24 secont without pause, it different with the other singing chicken that usually has caesura in the song . Both rapid growth. The third big body posture. The weight of an adult male Pelung Chicken can reach 5-6 kg with 40 to 50 cm of height.
Pelung Chicken now increasingly well-known and quite in demand by the general public, domestic and foreign tourists. A son of Japanese Emperor have been to Warungkondang to just to see the Pelung chicken farms. Even in Cianjur Chicken contest is held every year Pelung followed the owners and keepers of chicken’s pelung-West Java and Jakarta. The Best Pelung chicken that won in the contest can reach millions of dollars.
Pelung chicken name is derived from the Sudanese language Mawelung or Melung which means curved, because the crowed produces sound curved as well as chicken pelung has a long neck in the end the voice with a curved position. Pelung chicken is one type of local chicken Indonesia which have distinctive characteristics, which are generally characteristic traits pelung chicken can be described as follows:
Body          : Large and sturdy (much heavier / larger than usual local chicken)
Claws         : Long and large, black, green, yellow or white
Wattle        : Large, round and flushed
Cockscomb : Big, bold and upright, partially skewed and tilted, red and singular
Coat color  : Does not have the typical pattern, but generally a mixture of red and black; yellow and                         white; or a mixture of green and shiny

Sound        : rhythmic crowed, more tunable and longer than other types of chicken.

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